Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes 4.54 5 13
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Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes with description 0 2024-12-31 USD 4.54 5 1 13 Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes - Application Identifiers Application Identifiers used in EAN-128 (GS1-128) barcodes
AI Char count Description Control digit
00 18 Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) +
01 14 Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) +
02 14 GTIN of Contained Trade Items +
10 1 - 20 Batch or Lot Number
11 6 Production Date (YYMMDD)
12 6 Due Date (YYMMDD)
13 6 Packaging Date (YYMMDD)
15 6 Best Before Date (YYMMDD)
16 6 Last Offer Date (YYMMDD)
17 6 Expiration Date (YYMMDD)
20 2 Variant Number
21 1 - 20 Serial Number
22 1 - 20 Secondary Data Fields
235 1 - 28 Third Party Controlled, Serialised Extension of GTIN - TPX GTIN
240 1 - 30 Additional Item Identification
241 1 - 30 Customer Part Number
242 1 - 6 Made-to-Order Variation Number
243 1 - 20 Packaging Component Number
250 1 - 30 Secondary Serial Number
251 1 - 30 Reference to Source Entity
253 14 - 30 Global Document Type Identifier (GDTI) +
254 1 - 20 GLN Extension Component
255 14 - 25 Global Coupon Number (GCN) +
30 1 - 8 Variable Measure Trade Item - Count of Items
310n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net weight [kilograms]
311n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Length or first dimension [metres]
312n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Width, diameter, or second dimension [metres]
313n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [metres]
314n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Area [square metres]
315n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [litres]
316n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [cubic metres]
320n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net weight [pounds]
321n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Length or first dimension [inches]
322n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Length or first dimension [feet]
323n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Length or first dimension [yards]
324n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Width, diameter, or second dimension [inches]
325n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Width, diameter, or second dimension [feet]
326n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Width, diameter, or second dimension [yards]
327n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [inches]
328n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [feet]
329n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [yards]
330n 6 Logistic - weight [kilograms]
331n 6 Logistic - length or first dimension [metres]
332n 6 Logistic - width, diameter, or second dimension [metres]
333n 6 Logistic - depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [metres]
334n 6 Logistic - area [square metres]
335n 6 Logistic - volume [litres]
336n 6 Logistic - volume [cubic metres]
337n 6 Kilograms per square metre [KG / m²]
340n 6 Logistic - weight [pounds]
341n 6 Logistic - length or first dimension [inches]
342n 6 Logistic - length or first dimension [feet]
343n 6 Logistic - length or first dimension [yards]
344n 6 Logistic - width, diameter, or second dimension [inches]
345n 6 Logistic - width, diameter, or second dimension [feet]
346n 6 Logistic - width, diameter, or second dimension [yard]
347n 6 Logistic - depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [inches]
348n 6 Logistic - depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [feet]
349n 6 Logistic - depth, thickness, height, or third dimension [yards]
350n 6 Area, square [inches] (Variable Measure Trade Item)
351n 6 Area, square [feet] (Variable Measure Trade Item)
352n 6 Area, square [yards] (Variable Measure Trade Item)
353n 6 Logistic - area, square [inches]
354n 6 Logistic - area, square [feet]
355n 6 Logistic - area, square [yards]
356n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net weight [troy ounces]
357n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net weight (or volume) [ounces]
360n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [quarts]
361n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [gallons U.S.]
362n 6 Logistic - volume [quarts]
363n 6 Logistic - volume [gallons U.S.]
364n 6 ariable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [cubic inches]
365n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [cubic feet]
366n 6 Variable Measure Trade Item - Net volume [cubic yards]
367n 6 Logistic - volume [cubic inches]
368n 6 Logistic - volume [cubic feet]
369n 6 Logistic - volume [cubic yards]
37 1 - 8 Count of Trade Items
390n 1 - 15 Applicable Amount Payable, local currency
391n 4 - 18 Applicable Amount Payable with ISO 4217 Currency Code
392n 1 - 15 Variable Measure Trade Item - Applicable Amount Payable, single monetary area
393n 4 - 18 Variable Measure Trade Item - Applicable Amount Payable with ISO 4217 Currency Code
394n 4 Percentage discount of a coupon
395n 6 Amount payable per unit of measure single monetary area
400 1 - 30 Customer's Purchase Order Number
401 1 - 30 Global Identification Number for Consignment (GINC)
402 1 - 17 Global Shipment Identification Number (GSIN) +
403 1 - 30 Routing Code
410 13 Global Location Number - Ship to - Deliver to +
411 13 Global Location Number - Bill to - Invoice to +
412 13 Global Location Number - Purchased from +
413 13 Global Location Number - Ship for - Deliver for - Forward to +
414 13 Global Location Number - Identification of a Physical Location - +
415 13 Global Location Number - Invoicing Party +
416 13 Global Location Number of the production or service location
417 13 Party Global Location Number
420 1 - 20 Ship to - Deliver to - Postal Code Within a Single Postal Authority
421 4 - 12 Ship to - Deliver to - Postal Code with ISO 3166 Country Code
422 3 Country of Origin of a Trade Item
423 4 - 15 Country of Initial Processing
424 3 Country of Processing
425 3 Country of Disassembly
426 3 Country Covering full Process Chain
427 1 - 3 Country Subdivision of Origin
7001 13 NATO Stock Number (NSN)
7002 1 - 30 UN/ECE Meat Carcasses and cuts classification
7003 10 Expiration Date and Time (YYMMDDhhmm)
7004 1 - 4 Active Potency
7005 1 - 12 Fish catch area (
7006 6 First Freeze date (RRMMDD)
7007 6 - 12 Harvest date (RRMMDDrrmmdd)
7008 1 - 3 Fish species (
7009 1 - 10 Fishing gear type (
7010 1 - 2 Production method
7020 1 - 20 Refurbishment lot ID
7021 1 - 20 Functional status
7022 1 - 20 Revision status
7023 1 - 30 Global Individual Asset Identifier of an assembly
703x 1 - 30 Approval Number of Processor with ISO 3166 Country Code
7040 4 GS1 UIC with Extension 1 and Importer index
710 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Germany PZN
711 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – France CIP
712 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Spain CN
713 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Brasil DRN
714 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – Portugalia
715 1 - 20 National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) – USA NDC
723 2 - 30 Certification reference (723s => CERT # s)
7240 1 - 20 Field contains the identifier of a clinical trial protocol
8001 14 Roll Products (Width, Length, Core Diameter, Direction, Splices)
8002 1 - 20 Electronic Serial Identifier for Cellular Mobile Telephones
8003 14 - 30 GS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier +
8004 1 - 30 GS1 Global Individual Asset Identifier
8005 6 Price Per Unit of Measure
8006 18 Identification of the Components of a Trade Item
8007 1 - 34 International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
8008 8 - 12 Date and Time of Production (YYMMDDhhmmss)
8009 1 - 50 Optically readable sensor indicator
8010 1 - 30 Component / Part Identifier (CPID)
8011 1 - 12 Component / Part Identifier serial number
8012 1 - 20 Software version
8013 1 - 30 Global Model Number (GMN)
8017 18 GS1 Global Service Relation Number, PROVIDER +
8018 18 GS1 Global Service Relation Number, RECIPIENT +
8019 1 - 10 Numer Zdarzenia Relacji Usługowej (SRIN)
8020 1 - 25 Payment Slip Reference
8026 1 - 18 Identification of pieces of a trade item (ITIP) contained in a logistic unit
8100 6 Coupon Extended Code: Number System and Offer
8101 10 Coupon Extended Code: Number System, Offer, End of Offer
8102 2 Coupon Extended Code: Number System preceded by 0
8110 1 - 70 Coupon code ID (North America)
8111 1 - 4 Loyalty points of a coupon
8112 1 - 70 Positive offer file coupon code identification for use in North America
8200 1 - 70 URL for product extended information
90 1 - 30 Information Mutually Agreed Between Trading Partners (Including FACT DIs)
91 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
92 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
93 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
94 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
95 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
96 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
97 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
98 1 - 90 Company Internal Information
99 1 - 90 Company Internal Information


n - count of decimal digits, example:

  a) (3100)000123 = 123 kg
b) (3103)000123 = 0.123 kg = 123 g
c) (3109)000123 = 0.000000123 kg = 0.000123 g

x - indicates the sequence of the processors in the supply chain

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